The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is the U.S. Department of State's premier professional exchange program. Through short-term visits to the United States, current and emerging foreign leaders in a variety of fields experience this country firsthand and cultivate lasting relationships with their American counterparts. Professional meetings reflect the participants’ professional interests and support the foreign policy goals of the United States. Each year nearly 5,000 International Visitors come to the U.S. on the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). More than 200,000 International Visitors have engaged with Americans through the IVLP, including more than 500 current or former Chiefs of State or Heads of Government.

Launched in 2013, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Professional Fellows Program (YSEALI PFP), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is U.S. government’s signature program to strengthen leadership development and networking in Southeast Asia. Through a variety of programs and engagements, including U.S. educational and cultural exchanges, regional exchanges, and seed funding, YSEALI seeks to build the leadership capabilities of youth in the region, strengthen ties between the United States and Southeast Asia, and nurture an ASEAN community. YSEALI focuses on critical topics identified by youth in the region: civic engagement, economic empowerment and social entrepreneurship, education, environmental issues, and society and governance. Global Ties Iowa works as a YSEALI host partner by connecting YSEALI fellows to individually tailored fellowship placements that last four business weeks.

The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is an opportunity for young European business professionals to expand their networks, gain perspective, and engage with the U.S. business sector to exchange innovative ideas and best practices. The program includes a virtual component, a three-week Fellowship in the United States, and the opportunity for continued engagement after Fellows return home. Please note that if safe travel is not possible at the time of the YTILI Fellowship, this program will be conducted virtually or postponed. Since its inception in 2016, over 300 emerging entrepreneurs have been placed in the U.S. with host organizations. Through the signature program, YTILI seeks to exchange innovative ideas and best practices. Global Ties Iowa works as a YTILI host partner by connecting YTILI participants to individually tailored fellowship placements that last four business weeks and promote lasting partnerships.

The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP) for high school and undergraduate students is a program sponsored and funded by the US Embassy in Baghdad and U.S. Department of State, Youth Programs Division, and implemented by World Learning. The IYLEP high school and undergraduate programs together have provided invaluable leadership and educational opportunities for over 3000 students since its creation in 2007. An investment in global understanding and peace, these fully funded programs have created a cadre of future leaders of Iraq: young people who will inspire and impact others. Global Ties Iowa has been fortunate to host and connect with ILYEP delegations in eastern Iowa.
Fee for service
Is your organization, college, department, or business bringing international visitors to Eastern Iowa? Let us help host them! Global Ties Iowa can take your visitors on cultural excursions (sporting events, heritage sites, museums, etc.), arrange professional meetings, and host Iowa Table dinners for visitors in one of our citizen diplomats’ homes. Contact connect@globaltiesiowa.org for more details.